

Turning Marketing Analysis on its Head and Predicting the Future
Empowering CMOs and Marketers with Web3 Data Analysis and Visualization Elevate Your Marketing Strategy with Newfound Insights

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Business Story

Burroh came to us with a dream of changing the game for CMOs and marketing agencies with a Web3 platform that utilized blockchain and AI. They needed something that could help them get better insights into their customers, do predictive analysis, and run campaigns across different websites. This was when our team at Codiste created BURROH.
Our system provides advanced data analysis tools combined with state-of-the-art data visualization techniques as well as AI-based predictive analytics capabilities for businesses that are looking at running cross-web campaigns using various platforms besides Web2 alone. With these instruments at hand, marketers can understand their audience deeply, optimize communication strategies, and even forecast market trends accurately.

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Client Requirement

In response to the demand for comprehensive marketing insights and predictive analysis, MESMR Labs has developed the groundbreaking BURROH platform - a Web3 solution tailored to the unique needs of CMOs and marketing agencies. In terms of technology, client wanted a tool that combination of blockchain and artificial intelligence technology. To give businesses the ability to make well-informed and strategic decisions we had to think about how businesses ask questions, receive data in innovative ways, and predict where competitors are going next. The most important thing for them was market trends. They needed to know what they are today in order to make decisions that will benefit them tomorrow.

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Features of BURROH

Find out how BURROH is changing up data analysis and the way CMOs and marketers predict things. These features are reshaping everything, visualization included. With Burroh tools, marketing campaigns just got a whole lot easier while also being more successful.

Data Analysis & Visualization (Wallet Affinity Insights)

Data Analysis & Visualization (Wallet Affinity Insights)

BURROH revolutionises marketing campaigns through its state-of-the-art machine learning-based platform. By utilising wallet affinity towards brands, marketers can tailor highly targeted advertising and NFT Airdrop campaigns. Gain deep insights into consumer behaviour, track the performance of commercial brand campaigns, and analyse NFT brand releases through comprehensive wallet analysis - empowering marketers to make data-driven decisions.

AI-Powered Predictive Analysis (NLP Engine Integration)

AI-Powered Predictive Analysis (NLP Engine Integration)

The NLP engine integrated into BURROH empowers marketers to access real-time data and cross-reference it with their first-party user data via social platform token-gated connections. This enables marketers to efficiently analyse brand and sector-specific performance, gaining valuable comparative insights that facilitate strategic decision-making and campaign optimization.

Cross Web Campaign Management (Web2 to Web3 Integration)

Cross Web Campaign Management (Web2 to Web3 Integration)

BURROH seamlessly integrates with Web2 content marketing platforms, simplifying the process of bridging campaigns to the Web3 ecosystem. Marketers can leverage pre-built analytical engines or customise them to create target sets based on brands, regions, wallets, and demographic criteria for competitive analysis, benchmarking, activation targeting, and more. Additionally, BURROH facilitates the airdrop of targeted rewards, digital collectibles, and promotional materials to pre-selected, profiled wallets.

Technology Stack

We pride ourselves on our proven track record with 20+ technologies and delivering innovative, customized IT solutions.

  • Ethereum


  • Node


  • Polygon


  • React


  • Solidity


  • aws-s3


  • mongodb


  • Bootstrap


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Benefits of BURROH

Explore the exceptional benefits of BURROH that provide CMOs and marketing agencies with unparalleled marketing insights, AI-driven predictive analysis, and seamless Web2 to Web3 integration. Burroh enables data-driven decision-making and highly effective campaign strategies.

Unprecedented Marketing Insights

Unprecedented Marketing Insights

BURROH equips CMOs and marketing agencies with unprecedented marketing insights, enabling them to craft highly targeted campaigns based on wallet affinity and comprehensive data analysis. This not only enhances campaign effectiveness but also deepens their understanding of consumer behaviour.

AI-Driven Predictive Analysis

AI-Driven Predictive Analysis

With BURROH's AI-powered predictive analysis capabilities, marketers gain a significant competitive edge. By effortlessly accessing real-time data and cross-referencing it with first-party user data, they can make precise and data-driven decisions - ultimately leading to optimised campaign strategies and superior brand performance.

Web2 to Web3 Integration

Web2 to Web3 Integration

BURROH simplifies the transition from Web2 to Web3 for marketing agencies. Its seamless integration with Web2 platforms streamlines campaign management while allowing for the creation of custom target sets. This enhances competitive analysis, benchmarking, and activation targeting - making it easier than ever to bridge traditional and Web3 marketing approaches.

What did we deliver?

Codiste successfully delivered BURROH - a revolutionary Web3 platform designed to empower CMOs and marketers with advanced capabilities in data analysis, visualisation, and predictive analysis. Our blockchain and AI experts used a powerful tool that unlocks unprecedented marketing insights and enables informed decision-making. This web3 platform helps client by simplifying the process of transitioning from Web2 to Web3, streamlining campaign management, and facilitating highly targeted marketing strategies.


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