Pixi pages

Busy parents stay connected with their children by recording professional-sounding bedtime stories, complete with music and personal notes. The app provides a fun and easy way for parents to create a special story for their children, even when they are away.

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StoryTelling App

Client Requirement

Client Requirement

The client, Pixipages, aimed to create an app that would allow parents to easily record professional-sounding bedtime stories for their children. The app was intended to be user-friendly and simple to use, making it easy for busy parents to stay connected with their children, even when they were away.


One of the main challenges faced by Pixipages was to create an app that was easy to use and could be used by busy parents. Additionally, the app had to provide professional-sounding bedtime stories that would be enjoyable for children.


Features of Product

  • Dream Stories

    Dream Stories
    Professional sounding bedtime stories with music and a personal note

  • Easy Guide

    Easy Guide
    User-friendly app with simple, step-by-step instructions

  • Diverse Themes

    Diverse Themes
    A variety of themes to choose from, such as bedtime stories and lullabies

  • Shareable Moments
    Easy sharing with loved ones, even when away

  • Comforting Presence

    Comforting Presence
    Provides a sense of security and comfort for children

  • Treasured Memories

    Treasured Memories
    Creates a family keepsake that can be treasured for years to come

What did we deliver?

Pixipages successfully delivered an app that met the client's requirements by creating an easy-to-use app with step-by-step instructions. The app provided professional-sounding bedtime stories complete with music and personal notes, and a variety of themes to choose from. The app also allowed parents to share the stories with their children, creating a family keepsake that can be treasured for years to come. One satisfied customer, Sarah, was able to stay connected with her young daughter, even when she was away on business.

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