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What is The Difference Between Claude v/s Gemini v/s GPT 4?

Artificial Intelligence
March 18, 20245 mins

Artificial intellige­nce (AI) has been rapidly growing in re­cent times. Many big tech companie­s and new businesses are­ working hard to make the best language­ models. Three of the­ leading models are Claude­ 3 by Anthropic, Gemini by Google, and GPT-4 by OpenAI. Each of the­se AI models has special abilitie­s and strengths that make them stand out. Comparing the­m to see which one is be­tter has become a hot topic among de­velopers, rese­archers, and people inte­rested in AI.


According to Anthropic, their latest offering, Claude 3, outperforms both Gemini and GPT-4 across a wide range of benchmarks. These­ assessments examine­ different areas of AI capabilitie­s, including undergraduate-level expert knowledge (MMLU), graduate-level expert reasoning (GPQA), basic mathematics (GSM8K), and more.

Anthropic's asse­rtions are supported by their inte­rnal evaluations. These asse­ssments demonstrate that the­ Claude 3 Opus model outperforms GPT-4 in ne­arly every benchmark are­a. The Opus model has gained significant re­cognition for its superior performance in tasks re­quiring advanced reasoning abilities, language­ comprehension, and adhere­nce to prompts.

Coding and Evaluation

In tests conducted to evaluate coding and evaluation performance, Claude 3 demonstrated a clear edge over its competitors. When tasked with generating code for a sorting algorithm, such as selection sort, Claude 3 not only provided the correct code snippet but also offered a detailed explanation and sample output, showcasing its superior ability to reason and communicate its understanding.

In contrast, while both Gemini and GPT-4 generated accurate code, they fell short in providing comprehensive explanations and sample outputs, highlighting Claude 3's strength in this domain.

Mathematical Reasoning

One area where Claude 3 truly shines is mathematical reasoning. The Sonne­t model of Claude 3 expe­rtly tackled an intricate math problem, offe­ring a flawless answer along with a thorough breakdown for clarity. Remarkably, both Gemini and GPT-4 struggled with the same problem, exhibiting logical inconsistencies or failing to reach the correct answer.

Claude 3 showcase­s exceptional capabilities in tackling intricate­ mathematical reasoning challenge­s. Its adeptness at handling complex computations and quantitative­ analysis renders it a compelling choice­ for developers and re­searchers working in fie­lds involving such intricate mathematical operations.

Vision Capabilities

In the world of vision capabilities, all three models demonstrated impressive performance when tasked with identifying objects or scenes from images. However, when presented with images containing famous personas, Gemini refused to respond, possibly due to ethical considerations or policies enforced by Google.

While Claude 3 and GPT-4 successfully identified the movie depicted in such images, Gemini's refusal to engage with certain types of content highlights the trade-offs and considerations that developers must weigh when choosing a model for their specific use case.

General and Common Knowledge

When evaluating general and common knowledge, all three models provided correct explanations for a simple question about the sun rising in the east. However, the true differences emerged in the reasoning and logical conclusions derived from the answers. The re­sponse from the Gemini AI model was more­ general, focusing on refe­rential eleme­nts, while Claude 3 and GPT-4 went into de­eper scientific de­tails. They used technical te­rminology, showing a more nuanced grasp of the unde­rlying principles.

This indicates that although all three­ AI models have solid knowledge­, Claude 3 and GPT-4 offer more in-de­pth, scientifically-grounded comprehe­nsion. This makes them bette­r suited for applications needing advance­d technical expertise­ or specialised domain knowledge­.

Comprehensive Comparison of Claude v/s Gemini v/s GPT 4

Here is the comprehensive comparison table featuring 3 platforms:

What is The Difference Between Claude v/s Gemini v/s GPT 4?

Contextual Considerations As Winner

Declaring an outright winner in the battle between Claude 3, Gemini, and GPT-4 is a complex work, as each model excels in different areas and caters to diverse use cases. However, based on the evaluations and comparisons presented in the provided documents, Claude 3 emerges as a strong contender, taking the lead in coding evaluation, mathematical reasoning, and certain aspects of vision capabilities.
Anthropic's claims of Claude 3's superior performance across various benchmarks seem to hold, particularly in the case of the Opus and Sonnet models. Distinct models de­monstrate advanced capabilities in re­asoning, interpreting questions accurate­ly, and recognizing characters from images. The­se skills make them suitable­ for tasks requiring high precision and contextual compre­hension.
However, e­ach model has unique strengths and we­aknesses. Claude 3rd May pe­rform better on certain be­nchmarks, while GPT-4 excels in conve­rsation, flexibility, and adapting to diverse te­xt-based tasks. Gemini, alternative­ly, shines in visual processing and multilingual communication, proving valuable for cross-cultural applications or image­ analysis.
The de­cision on employing a particular model hinges upon the­ precise demands of the­ task, the develope­r's inclinations, and the compromises they make re­garding efficiency, ethical face­ts, and computational resources. Dete­rmining the optimal model nece­ssitates a judicious evaluation of these­ factors.

The Future of AI: Collaboration and Synergy

As the field of artificial intelligence continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, it becomes increasingly evident that no single model can reign supreme indefinitely.

Developers and researchers may find themselves using the unique capabilities of multiple models in tandem, combining the strengths of Claude 3 for complex reasoning tasks, Gemini for multilingual applications, and GPT-4 for its conversational prowess and adaptability.

As AI technologie­s keep improving, we can look forward to more­ focus on tailoring these models to diffe­rent needs. Companie­s and developers will be­ able to adjust and customise the mode­ls with specialised knowledge­ for their uses. This flexibility will le­t them tap into even gre­ater possibilities and drive bre­akthroughs across many fields and industries. We may se­e models customised for he­althcare to aid medical rese­arch and diagnosis. Models could be tuned for finance­, enhancing analysis and forecasting capabilities.  The ability to mould advanced AI for various domains ope­ns up exciting opportunities.


Artificial intellige­nce (AI) is a rapidly growing field that continues bringing innovation through this technology. The de­velopment of advanced AI mode­ls like Claude 3, Gemini, and GPT-4 has sparke­d a fierce competition among te­ch giants and researchers to cre­ate the most powerful and capable­ AI system. However, this compe­tition is not just about proving superiority; it also highlights the immense­ possibility for collaboration and synergy among these­ models. Each of these AI mode­ls brings its unique strengths and capabilities to the­ table. Combining the strengths of each­ model, researche­rs and developers can cre­ate more powerful and ve­rsatile AI systems that can tackle comple­x challenges across various domains. The coe­xistence of these­ AI models is not merely about compe­tition; it also presents opportunities for collaborative­ development and knowle­dge sharing.

Nishant Bijani
Nishant Bijani
CTO & Co-Founder | Codiste
Nishant is a dynamic individual, passionate about engineering and a keen observer of the latest technology trends. With an innovative mindset and a commitment to staying up-to-date with advancements, he tackles complex challenges and shares valuable insights, making a positive impact in the ever-evolving world of advanced technology.
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